Monday, January 19, 2009


Surprise! It's snowing again here. Well this week was certainly was jam packed. I can't remember too much of what happened on Wed. except that I got asked to do image searches for Olivieri for their in-company presentations. They wanted images that showed "teamwork". bleh. So it was one giant day of image searching. Mike, Cara and I ended up staying late to work on more ideas for Crystal Light. We ordered in Thai food and left around 10. I got another free cab ride which was awesome because it was still absurdly cold out.

Thursday morning I had to restart my image search for Motorola because we finally found out the budget and could only afford royalty-free photos. It really narrowed down our selection when we already have very specific criteria. I helped Cara work on copy for Moto and Siobhan one of the senior CWs looked over it with us. I got stuck in a pretty awkward situation for the rest of the day. Basically, Bee and Cara who are partners have very different creative processes that don't mesh very well and they have been trying to make it work for ten months. Bee called Cara out on something in front of Siobhan and once we were out of the room it turned into a huge screaming match. They basically decided that they can't work as partners any more and went to Nancy&Janet about it. There hasn't been any decision made but now there is the possibility of one or both of them being fired. I guess I'm learning a lot about the kind of things they don't tell you about in class like the realities of dealing with co-workers, bosses, account people, and clients.

So for the rest of the day I was very awkwardly put in the middle of this feud. Of course they would each take their turn throughout the day to complain to me about the other. There was some fun mixed in because the office sang a happy belated birthday to me and we had a really delicious cake. I also got assigned by the account people to make a goodbye card for one of their favorite clients for Maxwell House who is moving away. We ended up staying late again to brainstorm for Crystal Light and got nowhere. Things started to get ugly between Bee and Cara again so we just decided to all go home. I got home a little after 9:30 and ate dinner and then all of a sudden, absolute darkness.

The power went out on the southwest side of Toronto and stayed out for 24 hours. So since I had no other options I bundled myself up for bed and went to sleep. When I woke up Fri morning the power was still out and the house was FREEZING because it still has been below 10 degrees everyday. It was so cold in the house that we had to turn water on and leave it running all day so that the pipes wouldn't freeze and my relatives had to leave. It turns out that the extreme cold temperatures had caused a pipe to burst at the hydro plant and they had to turn off the electricity while they dried up the flood. I wasn't sure what to do so I started to get ready for work but then my uncle found out that the subways and streetcars weren't working and he didn't want to drive because the street lights were out. Long story short, once I found out that there was power at work I ended up taking a cab into work and got there an hour late.

When I got there Bee and Cara were in a meeting with Janet about Moto so I joined them. She liked the lines that we had but she thought the layouts needed a lot of work. So for the rest of the day I worked on layouts. At the end of the day I showed Janet what I had and she thought they still needed work. At 4 we had a meeting with Nancy to go over our ideas for Crystal Light and she wasn't amazed by anything so it's back to the drawing board. She told us that this is one of those rare oppurtunites to do something amazing and become famous. Which is why tomorrow (Sun) we're gonna have to go in and work. I'm so jealous that everyone else has off on Mon. I totally forgot about that.

After work on Fri. Cara's friend Jen came to pick us up from work and then we stopped by my house so I could grab some clothes and we went to Jen's house. I decided the easiest thing for me to do would be to stay over there with everyone since we had no idea when the power would be turned back on. We had some sushi for dinner and got ready to go out and headed back downtown. We went to this really cool club called Circa. It had four floors and these really cool installation windows with live models doing weird stuff. There were so many bars so you never had to wait for a drink and the bars were touch sensitive and would light up in circles around your hands when you touch them. They had a lot really cool interactive stuff like that all over the place. It turns out some rapper was performing that night called Clipse so it got a little crazy on the main dance floor for awhile. We went to a different dance floor where we witnessed the hillarity of a 40 year old couple in jazz shoes acting like the club was their very own private dance studio/bedroom where they could makeout. They were doing some serious Saturday Night Fever/ballet moves. The club had one of the most eclectic crowds that I've ever seen. Typically, back in NY you would probably only see guidos in a club but every kind of sub-culture was equally represented at this place from hipsters to ganstas. I actually saw a person with a legit grill on his teeth. It was awesome. We ended up getting out of there at 4 after waiting on the coat-check line which was pretty much an angry mob.

One of the live installations.

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