Thursday, January 29, 2009

end of week 4

I am extremely distracted right now. For the life of me I can't concentrate on the design in front of me. I guess one of the things I'll have to get more used to when I'm working is having the discipline to concentrate on one thing for hours and hours at a time. The speed at which people work here is much faster than school. I feel like I'm starting to pick up my pace a bit which is great. At this point I can design a lot of decently tight comps in a variety of styles in one day. I also feel like my eye has developed massively and I think that I'm finally starting to come to a decision about wether I would like to be an art director or a copywriter. I'm definitely leaning towards art direction. As much as I enjoy writing headlines I really don't think I would have that much fun dealing with scripts.

This week has been pretty busy again and I've been super tired. I didn't do very much over the weekend but it was really nice just to relax and do nothing. On Sunday, though, I had to spend the whole day designing stuff for Shreddies and ended up staying up until 2 working on that. When I got in Monday morning I had to show what I designed to Ivan and he approved most of them and told me a couple of things to change and by the end of the day I sent it to the account person. I'm not really sure what's going on with all of that. I'm supposed to design desktop wallpaper to go along with the rest of the stuff that I made but I don't know what's going on with client approval from the first things that they saw. I guess I'll find out sooner or later but in the mean time I've been working on the desktop but is pretty hard to make a piece of cereal look interesting enough to want it for your desktop background. At some point during the day Noreel asked me to help him find images for the deck he was putting together for the Coke fountain project that I mentioned earlier so that consumed most of my Tuesday.

Tuesday ended up being a crazy day. Not at work but back at home. My dad took my uncle who has brain cancer to his doctor because he couldn't walk any more so they had to hospitalize him and in the midst of all that I got a IM from my cousin asking if my sister was ok. Turns out Ali was 2 blocks from our house when she hit a patch of ice, fish-tailed, hit the curb and flipped the car into somebody's yard. Thank god she is perfectly fine, just a little sore. The EMTs told her that wearing her seatbelt saved her life. She was stuck in the car upside down until the EMTs showed up and had to cut her out. They took her to the hospital and did all the routine tests and she just has a few bumps and bruises. As for the car... it's totaled. Oh, and did I mention who's car she was driving? Mine of course. Sooooo as of now I am carless. The insurance company is going to evaluate the damage tomorrow and see if can be saved, but let's face it, the thing flipped upside down, broke its windows, and had a hole cut into the side of it. So after hearing all that from my parents I was kinda shook up and done for the day so I went home around 8ish.

Yesterday when I got into work Bee asked me to help her with an emergency rush job for Cogeco because she was busy all day. It wasn't anything particularly interesting. Just a print ad for a trade magazine and convention but that ate up the whole day. I ended up staying until 11 working on it and then some of this morning. The rest of the day has been pretty laid back for the most part and today is the office's monthly Thirsty Thursday.

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